Ronald Chen

Questions to Ask Before Installing Solar Panels

Before you decide to get a quote for solar panels, there are some important questions you should ask any company you are considering hiring. Think of it as an interview – after all, they will be working on your home, so get to know what the company is about and what their reputation is as installers. In addition to general questions the contractor’s website or...

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Ronald Chen

Is it Possible to Add More Solar Panels to an Existing System?

It happens all the time: you installed a solar panel system and within a few years, you realize you need to produce a little more to offset increased usage. You need a bigger system! Fortunately, most newer systems are sized with the capability to increase capacity. Older systems (10+ years or more) are a little harder to add onto since technology has changed, but...

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Ronald Chen

Solar Panels Can Help the Environment and Here’s Why

When fossil fuels are burned for power, toxic gases are released into the air. Those toxic gases build up as pollution (yuk!) and contribute to climate changes such as global warming. Also, some fuels such as coal and oil require mining, drilling, and fracking, which can leave the land stripped of plants and trees along with a whole other list of major issues...

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About us

We are centered on marketing, trading, transportation, and distribution of solar panels in the US and around the world. Green Line is an environmentally friendly renewable energy company offering a broad portfolio of technologies, products & solutions.

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